Stephanie Feyne...Trainings
Workshops offered:
  1. ASL to English Interpretation in Professional Settings: Theory, Research, and Strategies
    Learn theories of interaction and identity
    Explore implications of relevant research.
    Develop strategies for ASL-to-English interpretation.
    Focus on ideologically-driven interpretation decisions.

                                                                           Taught in English

  1. Lets Talk! Issues in Interpreted Interactions
    Participant-led discussions of real world experiences.
    Assess underlying issues (linguistic, interpretation knowledge and
      skill, interpersonal, ideological).
    Role-play to explore new responses to problematic situations.

                                                     Taught in either ASL or English

  1. Use of Space in Educational Settings
    Develop strategies for utilizing 3-dimensional space in
      English-to-ASL interpretations.
    Address content area specific techniques for classroom interpreters
      (English, Social Studies, Science, Math).

                                                              Taught in either ASL or English

  1. Considering Register
    Discover differences between markers of register in ASL and spoken
    Develop interpretation options for various registers.

                                                        Taught in either ASL or English

  1. Incorporating prosody in Educational Interpretations

     Develop strategies for producing natural utterances in ASL.
  Produce discourse level utterances by making connections
    between the content and the signs.
                                                  Taught in either ASL or English

  1. Getting to Yes! 
    Steps in accepting work in today’s world.

                                                    Taught in either ASL or English

  1. Contextual Awareness of Meaning
    Analyze incoming English utterances for connections and deeper
      meaning during simultaneous interpretation.

                                                                      Taught in English

Additional topics available upon request 

Please contact me for proposals and availability: